Welcome To Bishop Spray Service, North Central

Our goal is to provide the best possible insect, pest, and weed control for the lowest price. Doing what is in the best interest of our customer is our main priority. If there is a cheaper alternative with the same results, we will advise the customer with that option. Advise is always free.

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Bishop Spray Service of North Central Washington serves the following areas:

Ephrata, Soap Lake, Quincy, Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam, Coulee City, Wilson Creek
Hartline, Almira, Wilbur & Neppel Rd. (ML), North of Rd. 14 on Stratford Rd. (ML), Wenatchee


Bishop Spray’s Other Divisions & Areas:

Moses Lake Division: (509)766-2847
Serving Moses Lake

Othello Division (South of I-90): (509) 989-9544
Serving Othello, Mattawa, Warden, Royal City, George, Lind & Connell